Freelog Special Edition 19
Pooplog FM.txt
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210 lines
Pooplog FM series of psycle plugin synths
Jeremy Evers
Notes: sending a clipping signal (> 0db) into some filter algorithms can cause artifacts.
-to install, put in psycle plugins folder
-remember to delete or overwrite old one
-refresh the list in psycle if you want correct version number to appear
<bohan> pooplog, are songs made with previous versions of your synth
series compatible with new ones ?
<pooplog> yes
<pooplog> i make a point NOT to disturb the file format, at all costs
<AlkCapone> phase selecting
<pooplog> command 2xyy
<pooplog> x is oscilator #
<pooplog> yy is waveform phase - check the built in docs, all oscilators and
lfo phases can be set manually
<AlkCapone> poop: can you put delay on the OSC W lfo depth?
<pooplog> yes turn the very top knob
<pooplog> env type
<pooplog> it is 3 different routings for the envelope
<pooplog> all of the dadsr+lfos have them
Version History
- arpeggio works correctly with fast envelopes now
- more anti-denormal code
3:28 AM 12/20/2002
- optimizations adjusted for safety
10:10 PM 11/22/2002
- fixed denormals in filters
- made so works with any sample rate
- fixed note-cut bug
- fixed sticky envelopes bug
10:02 PM 11/12/2002
- fixed the help screen
- sync now works as it should, sync selects the osc to PASS sync to
2:00 AM 10/24/2002
- updated so can be used with 64 track version of psycle that is apparenty coming soon
- fixed handling of BPM changes so it syncs to songs with swings.
1:49 PM 10/14/2002
- fixed cutoff being lost when changing filters
- fixed moog filter B being able to blow up by compressing feedback if it is over 0db
- fixed global tuning due to popular request - you may have to tweak your songs back
11:29 AM 17/04/2002
- improved accuracy of WM tune
- added note delay and retrigger
8:56 AM 14/04/2002
- added tracker arpeggio rate command
- fixed a bug with wm where it could overflow the waveform position index
- added delays to the vibrato and tremolo
9:22 AM 13/04/2002
- since everyone complained so much, i fixed the WM detuning. I kinda liked it.
- added tracker style arpeggios
- fixed some text in tracker command help window
- removed warning screen. hopefully i won't need to put it back in.
6:09 PM 15/03/2002
- fixed an inevitable bug with the tweak inertia knob not working
2:39 PM 14/03/2002
- added the long awaited tweak inertia knob
1:04 PM 08/03/2002
- did some major optimizations, including making internal range -1.0 to 1.0
- removed all pointer access and uses arrays instead for speed
- overhauled some overdrives
- fixed multiplication mix modes
- separated antialias filter from filter struct for speed reasons
- changed default osc vol to 100%
- fixed divide mix mode to max at 200%
6:09 PM 05/03/2002
- fixed all lfos that i forgot to update to new sync method
- fixed vcf lfo depth display
- added more vcf routings ( sorry if you have to change it in your settings )
- fixed it so that syncs are polled each seq tick
1:11 PM 05/03/2002
- increased accuracy of lfo wrapping
- fixed sync times and expanded amounts
- fixed parameter update rate to be correct (it was updating on 33 samples, not the desired 32)
- fixed display of lfo rates to be more accurate
- recoded arpeggio rate code to be more accurate
- added more arpeggio sync rates so it behaves like lfos
- did some more optimizing
3:35 PM 04/03/2002
- fixed tremolo depth-it was behaving very weird
- fixed zipper noise on vca
- increased resolution of source waveforms to float for greater speed and accuracy
- removed unused portion of source waveforms
1:40 PM 03/03/2002
- made 0f00 the cancel command and ignore 0000
- fixed it so that envelopes update per sample to get rid of vca zipper noise
12:41 PM 03/03/2002
- improved interpolation algorithm to provide better antialiasing
- made antialias filter reset when switched to "off"
- did some major performance optimizations (f2i)
- made oscilator phase cycle much more accurate
- internal versions
- fixed bug with vcf mix modes not being described correctly
- added ksn's arpeggio patterns
- switched to new save method
- fixed envelope bypass function
- made cutoff range wider
2:13 PM 28/02/2002
- made it so the splash message doesn't pop up on reinit
- added some track effects, and fixed some broken ones
- song sync rate initializes correctly on new synth
6:33 PM 26/02/2002
- fixed bug where ultralight interpolate was screwey
- now syncs waveform phases on noteon if portamento is off and no note playing
- fixed bug where arpeggios stopped on short envelopes
2:31 AM 26/02/2002
- added 'ultralight' version
- made it so that filters don't reset if knob touched when they don't need to
- fixed bug where vcf 2 crashed due to bad lfo wave pointer
- fixed bug where tweaking global tune parameter didn't affect realtime
- fixed bug where tweaking osc volume parameters didn't affect realtime
- fixed bug where silence waveform wasn't silent
- removed silent waveform from lfo selections
1:17 PM 25/02/2002
- added 'light' version
- fixed a bug with using more than 2 oscs - noteoffs were writing data to bad parts of ram
- fixed width knob, works in correct direction
- limited feedback on moog type a to 128x max so it doesn't explode any more on full res
- added real white and brown noise generators for waveforms so you don't have to stick with crappy looped noise
- made it so osc 1 cannot use multiplication mix modes
- changed redundant osc mix mode *- to /
10:17 PM 16/02/2002
- initial public release
- add tremolo track commands like the vib commands?
- have been told that 03xx command rate is bad, that it is slow until 03f2 or so
- adjust the 04xx command, make depths non-linear, so 041a is between 040a and 041a now
- could optimize more filters by removing from filter_struct and inlining with track struct
- optimize antialias code some more
- add morphing chipsynth sync version
- delays on vib and trem have been requested... add more knobs or don't add more knobs?
- add syncs to things other than lfos (adsr, porta, inertia, etc.)?
- synth is hardcoded to 44.1khz, should i make it flexible?
- sampler thinks i should make filters go to 0hz, but that throws ranges out of whack and probably blows up some algorithms
- credits
- docs